Well done on Give & Take Day Everyone!

Give and Take in Bentham 14th March 2015

What a satisfying day!

Thanks everyone for all your help – so many of us so willing that none of it felt like a chore, I think.

So much came in, so much went out. So many people happy!

At the end we had collected about £90 which I think nearly covers costs. Sue Ryder took a couple of boxes of knick knacks; Edward collected not very many books; a couple of cars went via Low Bentham for the next Institute fundraiser.

Linda and I took the rest over to Settle – and a good bit of that went to Age UK (for future ref, they loved the big ring files) so really very little ended up in the dump.

And a special bonus – on the way back we picked up a hitch hiker – who turned out to be the benighted cyclist who had cycled home on Bobs bike and was now on his way back to Bentham to repair and collect his own!

So well done us, and thanks for all your cheerful work,


Annie Neligan

Give & Take & Hay Meadow Green Cafe!

Hi everyone – March is a very exciting month for BEST and also for all Bentham folk with unwanted stuff cluttering up their house/garage/shed and also for people who like taking away free stuff and stopping it going to landfill!

Yes folks, it’s Give & Take time again!  Please click the link below to download a poster with all the information.  Tell all your friends and neighbours too:

Give & Take March 2015

And if that’s not enough excitement for you, the Tuesday immediately after the Give & Take weekend is our next Green Cafe with Coffee/Tea & CAKE plus a very interesting topic all about Hay Meadows.  Click the link below to download the poster with all the information:

2015 March Hay Meadows Green Cafe

Minutes of meeting 06/02/13

