Green Cafe tomorrow – all about the “Local Plan” & CARnival Bentham awards prizes for B.E.S.T. damselfly.










B.E.S.T. was awarded a “most original” certificate a hand made ornament of a robin (made by Sue Halsall) and a fantastic hand knitted rosette by CARnival Bentham for Collette Austin’s carnival damselfly which was made entirely from re-used waste, (e.g. plastic bottles, tin foil, plastic bags etc.).  Sorry for the delay in posting this up – it was a case of getting round to taking the photo!

Also B.E.S.T. Green Cafe at 8pm Looking Well Studios tomorrow night (Wednesday).  Click the following link for more details: 2015 Local Plan

We’re discussing the Local and Neighbourhood Plans – which will have all sorts of implications for developments to be green – or not.  It will be really good chance to get our heads around what they mean for us, how we can be involved, what we would like to see included.- so it would be great if you came along!
Please click the link below to see the latest draft of the plan before tomorrow night.
Please click below for the minutes of our last meeting:

Well done on Give & Take Day Everyone!

Give and Take in Bentham 14th March 2015

What a satisfying day!

Thanks everyone for all your help – so many of us so willing that none of it felt like a chore, I think.

So much came in, so much went out. So many people happy!

At the end we had collected about £90 which I think nearly covers costs. Sue Ryder took a couple of boxes of knick knacks; Edward collected not very many books; a couple of cars went via Low Bentham for the next Institute fundraiser.

Linda and I took the rest over to Settle – and a good bit of that went to Age UK (for future ref, they loved the big ring files) so really very little ended up in the dump.

And a special bonus – on the way back we picked up a hitch hiker – who turned out to be the benighted cyclist who had cycled home on Bobs bike and was now on his way back to Bentham to repair and collect his own!

So well done us, and thanks for all your cheerful work,


Annie Neligan

A brilliant “re-use” of what would otherwise be thrown away


North Carolina-based artist Jonathan Brilliant constructed this, well, brilliant structure, The Sumter Piece, from 60,000 wooden coffee stirrers. Never mind that it’s quite beautiful and spans two floors, reaching over a second floor balcony and suspended from the ceiling of the first floor, we marvel at the fact that it’s held together by tension. “No adhesive was used and the entire structure holds itself in place because of the tensile strength of 7” rounded end wooden coffee stirrers. After nearly six months the piece eventually separated and the materials were donated to a local school.”



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Minutes of meeting 06/02/13

